Rain Forest Hotel: Immerse Yourself in Glamping Retreats and Tree House Stays

With options like camping beneath conifers and staying in tree huts, these rain forest hotels highlight the green lungs of our world.

The sounds, feelings, and sheer size of these biodiverse settings are a magnificent reminder of nature’s magnificence. There is nothing better than waking up in a rain forest. The best choice for a worry-free wilderness getaway is to check into a well-equipped resort, unless you’re traveling with your own camping equipment (and some good survival abilities). Thankfully, many green hotels in rain forests promote ethical travel by carrying out activities like halting deforestation by buying huge areas of forest and supporting initiatives to conserve species. These are some of the best places to stay in a rain forest as more tourists search for new ways to be close to nature.

Visit an old-growth rainforest in Canada.

There is a tree house in the Amazon in Peru.

a private island in Panama

Down Under Rainforest

The Belizean home of a Hollywood director

Ecuador’s cloud forest