InsiԀ‌e the gliтzy worlԀ‌ of spɑce тourism as Blᴜe Oгigin and Spɑce X speeԀ‌ ᴜp plɑns which cost tons of dollars

Some of the richest people in the world are working hard to set up tourism businesses in space. This is causing a new space race to heat up.

There is study and development going on to make sure that people can stay on the Moon for long periods of time.

The Sun said that private space companies and government agencies are looking into ways to build lasting homes in space and on the Moon.

In the 1990s, the US government was first approached with the idea of building a permanent outpost on the moon.

Even though the plan didn’t work out, space has become much easier to get to in the years since.

Elon Musk’s company, SpaceX, has built a rocket that can be used more than once.

Blue Origin, which is run by Jeff Bezos, just finished their fourth space tourism flight.

With a budget of $US35 billion, NASA’s Artemis space program is one of the most complex plans ever made.

The number of launches, both human and unmanned, has changed what people expect from permanent outposts in space in the next 10 years.

Nicholas Cummings, the head of SpaceX, told reporters that the company wants to build a base on the moon where “hundreds or thousands of scientists and explorers” will work.

NASA agrees with the idea and has made a study called “Lunar Sustainability” that argues for building a base on the Moon where researchers can stay for up to 45 days.

Some people think that humans will do better in space than what is already planned for private and government-funded space flight.

A physics expert and science reporter for 3AW, Dr. Gail Iles, said that there would be bases on the moon in the next ten years.

She said, “In ten years, I think we’ll have a NASA moon base, a Chinese moon base, and at least two other commercial moon bases (for tourists).”

The excitement about these projects is real—just look at the new infrastructure that is being built in Earth’s orbit.

Blue Origin is getting agreements to build the Orbital Reef, a permanent space station that will be open to space tourists and researchers.

NASA is also working with SpaceX to build Gateway, which is a permanent section that could be used as a stop on the way to the Moon or Mars.

But not everyone likes projects that are out of this world.

Some people are against giving resources to very wealthy people who want to go to space because these projects use public money.