Unique Stunt by Tycoon: Rolls-Royce Hoisted to 44th Floor Penthouse, Displayed on Balcony

”Elevating Luxury: Rolls-Royce Lifted to 44th-Floor Penthouse for Stunning Display”

Bringing an automobile into a high-rise condo is no simple feat. Therefore, the homeowner must pay a substantial sum to a technical company to construct a robust steel framework, place the car within it, and then use a crane with three robust cables to lift it.

Videos and images shared on social media depict the Rolls-Royce Ghost being raised to the 44th floor. Subsequently, a team of workers used steel cables to secure the car on the balcony before gently lowering it. The balcony’s structural integrity is evident, as the Rolls-Royce Ghost is notably heavy.

While the sight of a car being hoisted to such heights is intriguing, its practicality for everyday use is questionable. Firstly, renting a crane, constructing the car-holding structure, and hiring workers for the operation can cost hundreds of thousands of USD. The owner of this Rolls-Royce Ghost is a billionaire, so money isn’t a concern.

However, using the car isn’t as simple as driving it straight down from the 44th floor. The reverse process, similar to lifting it up, needs to be followed.

Cars elevated to such heights are more for exhibition and ornamentation than practical use. Nonetheless, they require maintenance just like ordinary vehicles.

This implies that the car owner must additionally spend a significant amount on maintenance at home or lowering the car to transport it to a workshop.