The total value of this villa is about 154 million USD and the entire space of this villa is as beautiful as a “fairytale” place.
His villa does not follow the trend of modernity, class and modernity like other billionaires in the world, but on the contrary is designed in a classic style like a mansion (dwelling aristocrats, mandarins, etc.) . feudalism). In ancient movies, we often see similar images that are called peach gardens, a special word to call fairy-tale places.
Because of his love for the ancient design style, Jack Ma built a large mansion (temporarily called to suit the context of Jack Ma’s house) including 32 bedrooms, 32 bathrooms, a misty pond. smoke 24/24, swimming pool and wine cellar. The amount of $ 154 billion is not the wind, they are poured into decorating and designing this mansion to match the style that Jack Ma wanted. He spared no money to regain the feeling of a fairyland in the past.